Easter weekend was beautiful. We had a busy Saturday with Bountiful Baskets, yard work and an egg hunt. Sunday was Stake Conference which was a little weird for Easter but it worked. The boys had a great time and loved their new bikes that the Easter bunny brought for them. We made sure that the boys understood what the true meaning of Easter is and discussed it with them many times in the weeks leading up to Easter. We then capped it off by watching "The Lamb of God" with them on Sunday evening. I hope they had a good balance of fun but also Spiritual uplifting. Sam likes to say that Easter was the day "Jesus BLASTED out of the tomb!" Love that kid.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Easter 2011
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10:38 AM
Sam's Spring Program
Sam had a Spring Program at Preschool last week. It's a Christian Preschool so they are cool with celebrating Jesus of course! He has been walking around the house singing the songs ever since. It was pretty cute. In between songs his teacher would ask them questions about Jesus. A few of the not at all shy kids were yelling all the answers until Miss Cindy asked about the blessings Jesus has given us. Sam immediately yelled out, "Mangoes!" It was hilarious. Here is a picture with him and his teacher. She has been both he and Rex's teacher and hopefully in a few years she will be Oliver's teacher as well.
Sam picks up everything and is always listening. It's quite a change from his older brother who is really good at tuning adults out! We have had some interesting conversations at the dinner table about things he has learned at school. We always read our scriptures after dinner so it prompts lots of discussion. One evening Sam randomly tells us that Miss Cindy said that God and Jesus are the same person. Now as Latter Day Saints we believe that God (Heavenly Father) and Jesus (who is also a God) are two separate beings. There are a few reasons we believe this. One because the Book of Mormon clarifies it but also because Joseph Smith saw both God the Father and God the Son in a vision.
Most of the Christian population does not agree with us on this doctrine. So we tried to explain to Sam that we believe they are two separate beings but there are lots of people (including Miss Cindy) that believe they are one being. Try explaining that to a 4 year old!
A week or two later, Sam comes home and tells us he told Miss Cindy that Jesus and Heavenly Father were two separate beings, but that she didn't believe him! I am so curious how that conversation went! I guess Sam is a little missionary already. He hasn't been able to decide quite yet however if he should believe his parents or his Preschool teacher. This kid is a bright one.
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10:23 AM
Frog boy
Couldn't resist some pictures of this cutie after a bath the other night. Don't you just want to eat him?!
Pete bought Oli this shirt. He couldn't figure out why I left it on his head. It was just so adorable... almost Yoda like. (Can you tell we have been playing Lego Star Wars around here) I think the shirt is hilarious. But I am kind of a sucker for funny things written on shirts.
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10:17 AM
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sam and Katie
Sam has always been a little sweetheart. Even though being 4 has brought on a whole new attitude with him, he still is deep down a sweetie. For this reason he plays really well with not only boys but also girls. There is one girl in particular lately that lives down the street that he plays with often. Her older brother is Rex's friend so when Rex and his friend get together it's only natural that Sam and Katie play as well. They have become great friends and are always looking for each other at church or she will have her older brothers walk her down to our house to say hi.
Sam also attends Preschool with another little girl named Afton that he has played with for a couple of years. For the longest time she was his "girlfriend". The other day we had a conversation that went like this:
Sam: "Mom, I am going to marry Katie some day."
Me: "Ok, but what about Afton?"
Sam: "Well... I'll have them both come over and play eenie meenie miney mo and then whoever wins I'll marry!"
Ha ha ha ha! I just about died laughing! The simplicity of life for a 4 year old.
Mark was able to capture these two pictures of Sam and Katie this last week. These were not staged, this is just how tight they are. It's so cute, sweet and innocent.
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9:17 AM