Friday, August 6, 2010

Two pics

The boys were a little too quiet this morning so I went to investigate and found this:

They were in the process of getting dressed for the day and got a little distracted by some books! So cute and yes I blurred out private parts to protect the innocent!

And Monday I will be 20 weeks!! Halfway there, feeling good and loving the kicks I get every day!


Chanell said...

That's hilarious.
And you look great- TWENTY WEEKS is always so exciting.

Daisymay said...

I can't believe that you have known for quite a few weeks that your having a boy. I mean when Lauren was pregnant they didn't even do the ultrasound to find out the sex until she was 20 weeks along. How far along were you when you found out that you are having a boy? Do we have a name picked out for this little one yet? Wasn't your last one Jacob? Now you have to go thru all that to pick another name huh?