Thursday, October 25, 2007


It was a beautiful day here yesterday, it actually got up over 70 degrees! We were so excited and so a friend from the ward invited us to the park with a bunch of other people from our ward. We had a great time and Rex was so excited to be outside playing again! He took a nice nap after that! He played almost the whole time with a little girl named Ellie that is in his nursery class. He really plays well with the girls, a ladies man already! They were so cute and I snapped some fun pics of them. I especially love Ellie's face and the way she is looking at Rex in the first one. Such a cutie!


Andrea Skousen said...

Ha! Hunter's the same way. There's already of girl in his nursery class that says she's going to marry him. You are so lucky to have two boys..they will forever be little buddies. Cute pictures!

Kim said...

Funny, I found your's too. Cute pictures. It's fun to see what everyone is up to. I'll have to add you to my links. It was fun talking to you too. See you later.