Saturday, August 11, 2007

Green Apple pie?

Yesterday at some point I wasn't watching what Rex was doing (shocking I know). Well when I finally realized what he was doing he had already made this concoction. He got in the fridge and took out 2 eggs, found a pan and pulled a chair up to the counter. He broke the eggs into the pan, notice he didn't get any shells in, added water and stirred it up. I asked him what he was making and he said he was making me a green apple pie! HMMMM... ok! Pretty funny! Maybe Rex will be a culinary chef when he grows up, after all he can crack eggs into a pan and manage not to get the shell in!!

I also had to show everyone how big Sam looks lately! He is growing up right before our eyes. I can't wait to see what a cute boy he will grow up to be. Oh wait maybe I can wait to have 2 walkers!


Jessarella said...

That is so cute that Rex is a little baker! Sam is getting big. What a cutie!!! Give them both a big smooch from Auntie Jess

Brooke said...

He is getting big!!! Both of your boys are soooo cute. Again... wish we lived closer. Michelle, you have had it rough lately. I must say you are pretty amazing. I hope things start rolling along more smoothly for you. However, you always seem so happy and beautiful. I would be a wreck.

Kellie said...

Hey Michelle, I just got on and checked out your blog again. How cute is Rex trying to bake - I loved that post. Your boys are supercute. It was so fun seeing you last month. take care.