Friday, October 9, 2009

Happenings around here

This will be a smorgasboard of thoughts. Does that remind you of Charlotte's web? Love that show. Anyway, I have a sick one so I have spent a lot of time around the house lately. Might as well get some projects done right? I saw this cute idea in a magazine a few weeks back and spent about that amount of time trying to find miniature, white pumpkins. Seriously, it was getting annoying! Big white pumpkins are a plenty, miniature yellow pumpkins are a plenty. Even the white with yellow stripy ones are a plenty. Miniature plain white ones, impossible. I finally found a little farm stand that had some! I love how this turned out!
Those are bats if you can't tell from the picture, so the pumpkin bats are flying. Or that's the idea anyway...

Found a cute way to decorate this box I have and love.

Yesterday was a good mail day. Not only did I get my new Scentsy starter kit, but I also got two of the 5 giveaways I have won lately! This is why I do giveaways... I love free stuff. I also won a $50 gift certificate to Tiny Prints! Which means I will get cute Christmas cards for super cheap!!


Anonymous said...

your porch looks so cute! I finally have a porch and i have done nothing with it. You have just inspired me. Sam's shirt is right his mom is the bomb:)

Jillian said...

You are so creative! I love your porch I have one and need help- the shirt is hilarious!

Kari Cole said...

Love your box full of pumpkins and your flying bats!! Free stuff is aways awesome!! What a good day!! Call me next week- hope everyone is feeling better soon.(Not just because I want my hair cut- he he!)