Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Catch up

I have a few things I have to document before I make everyone suffer through the MILLION pictures I took in California.
First off Rex's preschool graduation. It was pretty stinking cute. He did a great job and loved preschool. He did amazing on all his end of year testing and the only thing his teacher said he needs to work on is listening. Yep, could of told her that. That is our biggest struggle at home as well. This kid is just so full of energy, life and his imagination that he doesn't focus enough to listen and follow directions most the time. His teacher Miss Denise told me she could see him making the next Star Wars movie. I never would of thought. It's amazing what those that work with your kids notice. We are very proud of him.

Mark loves to make pancakes for the boys on weekend mornings. So for Father's Day this year, the boys got him Star Wars pancake molds! They are super cool and turned out really fun.

Rex did Baseball for the first time this year. He isn't super into sports although he enjoys being on a team so I wasn't sure how he would do but overall for his first year he did great. He did pretty good on hitting the ball and overall seemed to have a great experience. Besides kicking up dirt in the field instead of watching the ball and trying to tackle anyone who got the ball, he did really well and we are proud of him.

Phew, all caught up. That was the extremely condensed version but hey I did it! :)


Jessarella said...

I want those cookie cutters! Can't wait for Jax to get into T-Ball or some other little boy sport. Cute!

Kelli and Chad said...

He looks so cute in his baseball uniform. And I can't wait to see pictures from your Cali trip.