Thursday, January 20, 2011

January is for wimps... guess I am a wimp

The last two weeks have been HARD! And I am talking hard as in I am about to run away to a deserted island right after I get my tubes tied kind of hard. When I had Rex, we holed up in the house for 6 weeks. When you have two other kids, that is impossible. You have to go out in the germ infested world, or in all reality the other kids bring the germs home to you. We have had the sickies around our house. I am on my second cold since Oliver was born. (He's 4 weeks old!) Rex started it all off with a cough and a 104+ fever. It lasted FOREVER, in face he still has the cough and congestion over a week later. As soon as Rex started feeling a little better, Sam got it. He didn't have as bad of a fever but he got an early morning trip to the ER because of his croupy cough and labored breathing. So far Oliver and Mark haven't gotten it. I am crossing all my fingers and toes and saying mighty prayers that they don't. I have had way too many nights with just a couple of intervals of 1-2 hour stretches of sleep. It sucks. I am not a nice nor happy person when I don't get sleep. So good riddance January. I am tired of you!
Since my brain is clogged and I feel like this:

(Yes my kids need haircuts)
Instead of updating all the posts I was going to I'll just post some of my favorite pictures of Oliver. He is getting huge! This boy can eat.


Jessica said...

Oh I am so sorry you have had all that going on!! Sickness is the worst. Hope it leaves soon and you can get some sleep and feel healthy.

Oliver is ADORABLE

Unknown said...

I am so sorry you have had such a hard month! I hope everyone is getting better. Sickness alone sucks but on top of having a brand new baby would make it that much harder. I am always home if you need any help..seriously call me!

Kim said...

Michelle, I am sorry I didn't post sooner, but all I can say is I sooooo know where you are coming from. This is exactly what was going on when Owen was born and Owen was 4 weeks old when we went to the hospital. I cried several times that I just wanted us to feel better. As if having a baby isn't enough to deal with sick kids make it 100 times harder. You can always call and vent. I am glad to see you guys are on the mend. It will get better I promise.

Daisymay said...

He is adorable Michelle. Who do you think he looks like Rex or Sam or both? :D. When are you blessing the little guy?