Monday, June 1, 2009

Preschool is over....

now how am I going to entertain him!! :) Guess we will be sending LOTS of time at the waterpark this summer. Rex absolutely LOVED Preschool this year and especially his teacher Miss Cindy. She was AMAZING with him and he learned so much. He got his first "progress report" and we realized we probably won't ever have problems with him learning things, he is smart as a whip and catches on to things so quickly. However, sometimes his behavior leaves a bit to be desired. Overall, he is good, but I think because he picks things up so quickly, he gets bored and has a hard time focusing on the task at hand and listening. We knew this from home. Luckily Miss Cindy was really good at keeping him in check so hopefully this is something we can work on at home. He sure loved Preschool and the great friends he made there!


Kim said...

What a cute little guy. I am glad he loved preschool and it will be fun for him and Ethan to be together next year.

Anonymous said...

Love the ice cream sandwhich smile!

Lesley-Ann said...

What a cheeky cute photo of Rex X

Dinger said...

Rex is a cutie. It seems like just yesterday Maddie was at that same stage in life and now I am sending her to fourth grade in the fall!! Ahhhhh, I hate getting old! It's also hard to believe that Rex and Jack will be in kindergarten together in a little over a year. . .is that really possible? I also hope that for my sake, not all of your time is spent at the water park. I could get really lonely.