Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ear infections

Ear infections are of the devil I've decided. Poor Sam keeps getting them and he is miserable and in turn we are miserable. This time we tried the natural route. We took him to the Chiropractor, we used Garlic Oil in his ears, and just tried to bear it out. A week later it seemed to be working, he got better it seemed and than 3 days later sick again and pulling at his ears. So after 2 weeks of little sleep, we went to the Dr. today and got an antibiotic. Poor kid, I hate putting him on meds but I hate no sleep worse. I tried the natural route, didn't work so thank goodness someone invented the antibiotic!


Brooke said...

Poor guy! Does he have tubes? Hope he gets better soon.

Michelle said...

No Brooke he doesn't have tubes and I hope he doesn't have to get them. The Dr. said we will look into it at Christmastime if he is still getting them.