Friday, September 28, 2007

Two for Two

Alright I think it's official, I am an inattentive mother! When Rex was little, maybe 4 or 5 months old, he rolled off of our guest bed. I was right there and saw it happen but couldn't get to him in time. Luckily it isn't far off the ground. Well you would think I would learn my lesson. I didn't. Often if Sam isn't feeling very good he is hard to get to sleep. So sometimes I lay on the guest bed with him since it is in his room. After he falls asleep I surround him with the bed pillows because I didn't think he could get past those yet, well I was wrong! He was sleeping the other day and I heard him wake up and start making little noises, but he wasn't upset so I didn't go running up there. Then I heard a thud, followed by the pain cry! Sure enough he was on the ground next to the bed. I felt SO terrible! I guess he won't be sleeping on the bed ever again. Luckily he was fine after a cuddle with mom and has shown no signs of any major damage. So there we have it two for two, let's hope I don't make it three for three one day.
And by the way, Sammy is now cutting his first tooth! We were expecting it long ago since Rex got his first at 3 1/2 months but now 7 months later we see a little white bud! Now I have got to teach him not to bite me when nursing. YOUCH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Michelle I think I'm 3 for 3, except mine always seem to roll off of the couch!