Friday, January 9, 2009

You like dark?

I am the type of person that one day just decides to change my haircolor and I do it. Good thing I am a hairdresser I guess. I got tired of weaving my blond all the time, so I went brown. It went a little darker than I expected because my bleached pieces just sucked up the color, but after lightening it a bit I think I like it. What do you think?


The Brownings said...

I LOVE IT!!!!! The color looks super good on you!

lindsey said...

It's fabulous!!!

Kellie said...

That looks awesome! love it.

Jessica said...

LOVE IT! I swear that any color looks good on you.

Kim said...

Very cute, I totally like it. You are the kind of person that could pull off any color and look good.

Stephanie said...

i think it looks great too! i'm jealous- i've always wanted to go dark... i did once and it was awful. i think i'm too pale.


Katherine said...

I love it dark. I have always kind of been a fan of dark hair. But, it really looks pretty!

JaNece said...

I'm just like you...I decide to change my hair one minute and the next it's done. And I'm all about dark. I think you could go darker!!!! It looks adorable!

Dinger said...

Since you've gone dark and I've lost seven pounds I think we should get really pretty and hang out together this week and show off our new looks. Wanna?? I'll call you!

Emily Andrus said...

You're a hot mama no matter what color! Less maintenance is a bonus too! We loved your Christmas card! I hope you had a great holiday season.

Ryan and Angela said...

Yeah, I saw it at church and I think it looks totally cute. It is fun to mess with hair. I am currently enjoying my natural hair for the first time since we got married. We'll see how long that lasts.

Lesley-Ann said...

Dark looks great Michelle, what is your natural colour?