Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The first snow of the season!

We woke up to snow this morning, it barely stuck, and had melted in an hour, but it was still pretty. Rex was so excited that as soon as he woke up he ran upstairs, grabbed his hat and sweatshirt and was ready to go! He and Boykin had a great time! I had to force him to come inside after 15 minutes because he was sopping wet and looked freezing. It was cute

Sam on the other hand would rather eat than play in the snow. Again, just like his daddy!

BTW, what is up with the Bachelor finale? That was so random and lame.


Anonymous said...

yes I agree That was so lame! I want to see next week and see what his explanation is. I can't believe you guys got snow!

Jessarella said...

I know! I was so annoyed at the Bachelor! We will miss you for the holidays too. We are just going to be here at home taking it easy, and trying to keep the babies away from too many people. Have fun at your dads. I heard he is getting married this weekend. Have you met your new step family yet? What do you think?

JaNece said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that was completely disappointed with the Bachelor. I mean, he could've at least still dated one of them. He didn't have to get engaged. DUMB! Anyway, we got some snow here, too. Fun for the kids, but not for the moms.

thecherries said...

I didn't watch it but I heard that it was shocking. Wouldn't it be in his contract somewhere that he had to pick someone? Well I got to hand it to him...he didn't propose just to propose.