We had a great week at Grandma's house, although it was a VERY full house! We had our family, my brother Ben and his wife and son Jack, my step-siblings: Jessica, Jason, Matt, Jenny, Mitch and Zach and their kids Jase, Josselyn and Jaxon. All of us in my mom's 4 bedroom with a basement house! We had a great time though and made many memories. I rarely see my step-siblings because we don't get down to Utah very often and Ben and Jessica will be moving to Denver in a few weeks so we will see them even less. So it was really nice to see everyone and spend time together for a couple of days. We played lots of Rock Band, Settlers of Catan and Skip Bo. I was the only one brave enough to get up and go out on Black Friday but it was worth it because I got most of my Christmas shopping done! We also had a family birthday party for Rex since his birthday is coming up and we don't live close to family. Thanks everyone for a fun week and especially thank you to mom for dealing with us all and making YUMMY food! Here is a slideshow of the event.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Posted by
10:46 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Preschool Thanksgiving Feast
Rex's preschool had a Thanksgiving Feast today so he and I got to run over there and have a pre-Thanksgiving lunch. It was pretty cute, they had all the kids wear pilgrim and Indian costumes. It's nice having him in a Christian preschool because they don't necessarily have to be politically correct like they do in most public schools. He had fun dressed as a Pilgrim for about 5 minutes and then he was done with it, he couldn't eat well enough with the costume on. He enjoyed the food and pounded the pumpkin pie (he is obviously not my child in that way). His friend from church Ellie was there and he got to sit across from her so that was fun.
Posted by
2:13 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I was invited to go to Twilight with my old mission companion Kelli, her sister in laws, who actually live in my ward, and some of their old friends from when they were all in the same ward. Jessica was so nice to invite me and has really taken me in as a friend since her and Kelli have been friends. We went downtown and went to PF Changs, which was so yummy! This is the first time I have been to the one in Boise, even though we have lived here for almost 3 years! You have to have reservations though otherwise you wait for an hour and a half so Mark and I have never planned ahead enough to do that. It was yummy, yummy, yummy. We then walked over to the theater, waited in line for a bit and saw the movie. So now for my review...
Sorry friends who loved it but I didn't. There were good parts and it was fun to see the book played out on film, but I just couldn't get past the bad music, cheesy lines (Spider monkey anyone??) and bad acting aka Jasper. No, Jasper should not look mentally challenged. No, Edward did not look like a conflicted vampire, instead her looked a little constipated. And is it bad that my favorite character was James, one of the evil vampires? He was one of the best actors of the movie and drew me in. Plus, he was super hot. Problem is, he won't be in the next one. So either they need to get a bigger budget next time, or James needs to be reincarnated. Otherwise, I am not going.
Good thing I was with fun friends that laughed with me when we weren't supposed to be laughing.
Kelli and Krissy's backside with PF Changs in the background
Alisha, Jessica and Emily. Emily made me promise to crop out her pregnant belly so in order to maintain her friendship her face is the only thing visible.
Krissy, Alisha, Kelli and I waiting in line
Posted by
4:30 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What's that in your PJ's Sam?
I guess I took too long to go get Sam out of his crib this morning because when I walked in I noticed a huge bulge in his PJ's and a big smile on his face. Apparently he got bored and stuffed his sippy cup down his jammies. I also found 3 binkies in there when I changed him. Funny boy!
Posted by
9:23 AM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ever since we got Wii Fit, the boys have been loving exercise. It's so funny because they will do it along with me. Rex is always talking about his exercising he is doing. He's gotten pretty good at some Yoga moves. They both decided to "exercise" together last night while I was watching TV. I guess they were tired of their couch potato mommy.
Downward Dog
Tree pose
Sam tired out after a LONG 5 minute workout!
Posted by
3:00 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Paint project
Pretty much ever since we moved in, I have wanted to start painting, but haven't felt like I had the extra time or money to do it. I have had my colors all planned out for awhile, but I don't mind the color our house is painted (it's a nice taupe color) so I haven't made it a huge priority. This weekend I decided it was time. I had a coupon to Lowe's also so that was nice! I now have a big orange wall in our great room and I LOVE it! Pete decided to document the experience.
Hi Pete, here's my cheesy grin
Having fun
Trying to teach Rex how to paint without getting on the white.... it didn't work.
Pete also decided to do a photo session for his family..
But it's ok because he took pics of my kids too!
So here is the finished product. I just need to get a mantel and something cool to hang up there, oh and some curtains, and....
So I think I am going to extend the color into the kitchen, what do you guys think?
This was the highlight of an otherwise sucky weekend in which I was unexpectedly let go from my calling in Young Womens. I am sure going to miss those girls.
Posted by
8:54 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Flashback Friday and Husband Tag
I have been thinking for awhile now that I want to start doing a Flashback Friday, because I LOVE old pictures. So, I thought since I got tagged by Kelli awhile back, I would combine my Flashback Friday with a husband tag. Here are some pics of Mark and I when we got married and on our honeymoon in Jamaica! AWWWWWWW.
(Now keep in mind, these are pictures of pictures since I don't have a scanner. And it was back in the day before we had a digital camera! Oh the HORROR!)
wearing my "modest bikini" ;P
Now here are some of the reasons I love Mark.
Ok Kelli, I am finally doing this! I have been meaning to but life has been crazy!
5 things he loves
2.Mac computers
3.Watching BYU football
4.The Office
5.Spending quality time with his family and especially his wife! ;)
5 things on his to do list
1.Pay off our medical bills
2.Build shelfs in our closet for our food storage
3.Go fishing
4.Buy a gun
5.Lose weight
5 foods he enjoys
1.Cafe Rio
2.Paella (a Spanish dish)
3.Mai Thai
4.a Italian Sausage pasta dish I make
5.Carnation Instant Breakfast
5 things you might not know about him
1.He was on the BYU ballroom dance team
2.He used to work at Banana Express when single
3.He lived in his own "bachelor pad" when I met him
4.He got tickets to a Jewel concert to impress me for our first date... it worked
5.He listens to talk radio every day, especially Glenn Beck
5 places he's lived
1.Goleta, CA
2.Provo, UT
3.Spain (Madrid and surrounding areas)
4.Salt Lake City, UT
5.Boise, ID
5 quirky things about him
1.Likes the toilet paper hung over the roll, not under
2.Hates dishes in the sink, but has no problem with them on the counter
3.Does not like the kids to eat by themselves when they are little, because it drives him crazy to see food all over their faces!
4.Wears whitey tighteys when he works out so his "goods" are secure! ;)
5.The toilet seat MUST be down (and I absolutely LOVE this quirk)
I tag:
Emily S.
Posted by
7:35 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A moment
This is going to be a journaling post for me, so I will not feel bad if you don't read it! I had an awesome spiritual experience tonight and I always feel like I need to document these experiences so I don't forget and so I can draw on them when the spiritual well runs a little low.
We had Young Women in Excellence (YWE) tonight. Paige found a great theme for us that the Young Women leaders in her mom's ward had done. It was based off the book by Dr. Seuss, "Oh, the places you'll go". They had done this great presentation that had the book pages and then scriptures to go along with the book. I put the power point together and I was amazed at how well it all flowed. As we were discussing in our meetings the direction we wanted to take with it, we were wondering who should speak about Personal Progress, since that is the point of YWE. I felt prompted in our meeting that I needed to say something, but I didn't want to sound full of myself by volunteering to speak, like my speaking abilities are so amazing or something. So, I offered to say something since I am working on my Young Women medallion along with the girls.
I have prayed and pondered for the last couple of weeks what I should talk about, but never sat down and wrote anything down. I was going to do that last minute (as is my style) today, but got so busy making 80 Cat in the Hat cupcakes that I never had time. As I was driving to the church I got pretty nervous. From that moment on, I think I was saying a prayer 75% of the time that night until I had to talk. Right before it was my turn I had that powerful pounding in the chest and sweaty armpits that happens right before you bear a testimony that you know you have to bear.
I got up there and was able to articulate all my thoughts and able to speak from my heart about exactly why I felt Personal Progress is important. I truly felt the Spirit guiding me, I love that feeling.
I never completed my Personal progress as a youth, and never received my medallion and have regretted it ever since. When I got called as the 2nd Counselor, I thought, how can I do this? I never even completed the Young Womens program. I tried to share my experience and testimony to the girls so that they can understand that although they may not care now, one day they may regret not completing the program. One day they may have a daughter that wonders why she has to do her personal progress since mom never completed it. Since starting the personal progress program myself as a 29 year old wife and mother of 2, I have finally gained a testimony of the program. I am amazed at the way it inspires you to develop your talents and gain a testimony of the gospel and of the Savior. And over all just become a better person and a stronger and more faithful daughter of God.
I guess it is better late then never...
Posted by
10:34 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
4:50. Seriously?!?!?!
As I am sitting here at 6:30 this morning, having been awake for almost 2 hours I am trying to come up with things I love about my children. Sam decided to wake up at 4:50 this morning and refused to go back to sleep unless I held him. The second I tried to put him down, he woke up and screamed. So in attempt to find the love I have for this child at such an ungodly hour, I am going to list the things I love lately about my kids.
-Will suddenly stop whatever he is doing throughout the day to tell me he loves me. He loves Lucky Charms and almost every morning he finds a heart marshmallow and tells me it is because he loves me.
-Is able to do many little tasks I need him to, to help me around the house and with Sam.
-Is incredibly inventive and loves to pretend. He is typically talking under his breath, making up some pretend situation. It's hilarious to listen to.
-Loves other children and finds so much joy and excitement in playing with other kids. He is almost always kind and has yet to not want to play with another child, no matter how frustrating they may make him.
-Loves letters right now and is always trying to figure out what letter things start with, which words rhyme and how to spell things.
-Is very independent and insists on walking to Primary all by himself.
-Although independent, likes me to be within in sight and often asks if I want to come sit with him when he is watching a movie.
-Has a way of melting my heart with one look. Or one saying, "I wuv you mommy!"
-talks and talks and talks and talks.
-Is usually very easy to put to bed. As long as he has a binky, he is good to go.
-Snuggles, snuggles and snuggles. When he hugs me he always wraps his little arms around my neck and pats my back as he squeezes.
-Loves his "Bubba" (Rex) so much and copies everything he does.
-Has developed quite the silly personality and likes to make people laugh.
-Can entertain himself with toys for quite a long time before he wants to be entertained.
Posted by
6:38 AM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thank goodness for prophets and apostles
Today was a rough day. Mark had surgery again, which is always stressful because you just never know what could happen. One of his hernias wasn't fixed properly and needed to be redone. He did amazing and is up and pretty much himself. He is under strict Drs orders though not to lift the kids for at least 2 weeks, so bedtime will definitely be my job for awhile.
So with the stress of that, I also was online a lot looking at all the stuff going on with the passage of Proposition 8 in California. What I was reading was hurting my heart. Although the Church was one of many churches fighting for the passage of Proposition 8, it seems that the LDS church is the one being given all the criticism now that it passed. It was frustrating to see all the negative articles, blogs and online discussions. Seeing thousands of people flocking to the LA temple to protest was frightening and sad. The mistruths and lies being spread about the gospel of Jesus Christ was weighing on me heavily.
Again, thank goodness for prophets and apostles. Realizing tonight that I was angry and ornery and that much of that was due to stress and frustration over things I can't control, I decided to read the General Conference address from October. I came across one from the Sunday morning session from Elder Hales. His words spoke directly to me and finally helped me to release that frustration and anger and trust in the Gospel and in my Savior. The talk is called "Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship". Click here for the full talk, it is amazing, but I will also post a few excerpts.
To respond in a Christlike way cannot be scripted or based on a formula. The Savior responded differently in every situation. When He was confronted by wicked King Herod, He remained silent. When He stood before Pilate, He bore a simple and powerful testimony of His divinity and purpose. Facing the moneychangers who were defiling the temple, He exercised His divine responsibility to preserve and protect that which was sacred. Lifted up upon a cross, He uttered the incomparable Christian response: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Some people mistakenly think responses such as silence, meekness, forgiveness, and bearing humble testimony are passive or weak. But, to “love [our] enemies, bless them that curse [us], do good to them that hate [us], and pray for them which despitefully use [us], and persecute [us]” (Matthew 5:44) takes faith, strength, and, most of all, Christian courage.
The Prophet Joseph Smith demonstrated this courage throughout his life. Though he “suffer[ed] severe persecution at the hands of all classes of men, both religious and irreligious” (Joseph Smith—History 1:27), he did not retaliate or give in to hatred. Like all true disciples of Christ, he stood with the Savior by loving others in a tolerant and compassionate way. That is Christian courage.
When we do not retaliate—when we turn the other cheek and resist feelings of anger—we too stand with the Savior. We show forth His love, which is the only power that can subdue the adversary and answer our accusers without accusing them in return. That is not weakness. That is Christian courage.
Through the years we learn that challenges to our faith are not new, and they aren’t likely to disappear soon. But true disciples of Christ see opportunity in the midst of opposition.
And my favorite four lines.
As we respond to others, each circumstance will be different. Fortunately, the Lord knows the hearts of our accusers and how we can most effectively respond to them. As true disciples seek guidance from the Spirit, they receive inspiration tailored to each encounter. And in every encounter, true disciples respond in ways that invite the Spirit of the Lord.
Posted by
11:21 PM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What a disgusting ad
I don't live in California so I haven't followed Prop 8 too closely, but I was passed this video that is supposed to air on TV in California today and it makes me sick. Talk about intolerance and disrespect.
Video Courtesy of KSL.com
I loved and am proud of the Church's response to the video.
LDS Church responds to Prop. 8 ad
November 3rd, 2008 @ 10:04pm
By Carole Mikita and Becky Bruce
Latter-day Saint Church leaders issued this statement today: "The Church has joined a broad-based coalition in defense of traditional marriage. While we feel this is important to all of society, we have always emphasized that respect be given to those who feel differently on this issue. It is unfortunate that some who oppose this proposition have not given the Church this same courtesy."
Posted by
4:18 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Check out my other blog
I decided to start another blog, primarily for myself, to help me in the process of learning how to coupon. I will post links to good coupon sites and deals and the successes I have in learning how to save money shopping smarter. Check it out if you are interested.
Posted by
8:12 PM
Mark's birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARKY MARK!!! He is the big 33 today, wow he's old. I am so grateful for Mark and love him so much. His main focus is his family and providing us with everything we need spiritually and emotionally and I love him for that. The boys absolutely adore him and know that when they want to play and have fun, he's their man, mommy's boring. LOVE YOU BABE!
Yesterday, kind of last minute, I invited some people over for cake and ice cream. Unfortunately I have been sick for a week now and the last 3 days have been really feeling it, so I wasn't able to plan as well as I wanted to, but we had a good time. I made his favorite cake from scratch, German Chocolate, which tasted awesome but the frosting was a little runny. Hopefully that will work out better next time. I also make a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for those who don't like coconut. Afterward we herded the kids upstairs and the grownups got to play a little Catch Phrase. All in all a very fun evening.
Ethan and ViBeka
Jason and Avery
Family pose plus Maddie!
blowing out candles
The girls (I look hideous!) VeAnn, Mandy, Paige and I
Pete giving Todd "bedroom eyes"
Sam chowing down, he totally thought it was his birthday
Rex doing who knows what?
Posted by
2:35 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Apples and Halloween
Halloween was a crazy day. I had decided to do applesauce that day (don't know what I was thinking?) and I have been sick with a nasty cold so it was a long day, but productive. Rex helped a bit with the apples by using the peeling machine, he loved it, but of course only for about 15 minutes and then he was done! I got a cute picture of it.
Mandy and VeAnn cam over later and between us and 7 bags of apples, we made and canned 28 quart size bottles of applesauce! Awesome! I am so glad there are no more apples in my house, I am tired of looking at them.
Around 6:00 we went to the Reichner family's annual Pumpkin Goolash dinner, so yummy! Thanks Chanell! The kids had a good time playing with all the kids. Here are some pics of the boys before we left and of all the kids at the party.
Mark then took the boys trick or treating while I went home to relax and open the door for all the trick or treaters. I wish I would have been able to see the kids though because apparently Rex is quite the ham. They approached this one door down the street from us that has some young single people that live there. They had music blasting while they were passing out treats. As they approached the house, Rex stopped and just started busting a move! Mark said it was hilarious, he was totally getting down to the music including a lot of booty shaking and bumping and grinding! Don't know where he learned that, but everyone around stopped what they were doing and just watched Rex while he did it for about 5 min! Man, I wish Mark had taken the video camera. That boy loves to perform and loves to dance. He is so funny. I went to bed shortly after they got home and didn't get up until 11:30 today. I am taking a sick day.
Posted by
1:37 PM