Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a disgusting ad

I don't live in California so I haven't followed Prop 8 too closely, but I was passed this video that is supposed to air on TV in California today and it makes me sick. Talk about intolerance and disrespect.

Video Courtesy of KSL.com

I loved and am proud of the Church's response to the video.

LDS Church responds to Prop. 8 ad
November 3rd, 2008 @ 10:04pm
By Carole Mikita and Becky Bruce

Latter-day Saint Church leaders issued this statement today: "The Church has joined a broad-based coalition in defense of traditional marriage. While we feel this is important to all of society, we have always emphasized that respect be given to those who feel differently on this issue. It is unfortunate that some who oppose this proposition have not given the Church this same courtesy."


Froska said...

Unbelievable! My sweet sister who lives in Cali has been standing on street corners and holding signs for weeks now. This better not pass. What a joke huh! It's pretty crazy that we live in a time like this.

Lesley-Ann said...

It is very sad and I agree with 100%. It just makes me mad that once again the church gets targeted while others are ignored. Just like the protesting outside of new temples, Satan is only interested in the church because we have the truth, the whole truth. A sign of the times I guess and a time for members to stand up for what they beleive in. It's not very often that the brethern ask something of it's members that just tells me how important this is. I read the following article http://newsroom.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/commentary/the-divine-institution-of-marriage
and the implications of same sex marriage being lawful are frightening.