Monday, March 16, 2009

Big brother

Rex can be so sweet to Sam sometimes and last night was one of those times. He decided he wanted to sit in Daddy's chair for dinner so he could help feed Sam. We had Creamy Tomato soup and so I was fine with Sammy receiving some help. Rex was so sweet. He would get a spoonful, tell Sam to blow on it, then put it in his mouth and say, "isn't it yummy Sam!". Sam was so into his brother helping him, he gobbled it down! I had to take some pictures of the moment. The first ones are without flash, I kind of like the effect, although the ones with flash are easier to see.

With flash

Oh and if you want the recipe for the tomato soup that was SOOOOOO yummy! Click here.
It is from Our Best Bites a blog that 2 LDS ladies started that is full of the yummiest recipes ever! I seriously have never made anything yucky from them.


Anonymous said...

so sweet michelle! your boys are adorable :)

Kim said...

Got to love when the older siblings try to help. It is so sweet, but the little ones always get so mad. Glad Rex could come over and play he and Ethan had a lot of fun and they played so well. We'll have to do it again for sure.

lindsey said...

This is so cute! Especially those little arms reaching over to help spoon in the soup.

Your boys are so cute!

Ashley A. said...

Those pictures are so cute.

Thanks for the link to that site! I got a recipe from there which I used tonight and it was great.

Andrea Weaver said...

Those pictures are so precious!! Thanks for sharing that recipe site too. I am in need of some new ideas for our lunch group!! How are you these days by the way?? I am thinking we need to all meet up one of these days and catch up on life! Hope all is well...

Jill said...

So cute. I am always thankful for older children who turn into helpers! Parker and Pacie are the best helpers.

Too too cute.
And thanks for the site. I'll be trying some out too!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Hey, i see that your rainbow cake is BLUE! Way to go! You already have me beat! It is a fun class, kinda pricey by the time you get all the things, and lots of preparation, but it is worth it and fun!

Andrea said...

I love when the kids get along! Very Cute. Your cake is awesome. You will have to give me some pointers.