Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rex's first book

Rex was so cute after church on Sunday. They made a book in class so he had to come home and make another book. He did it all himself except for a little help from Dad taping it together. He was SO proud of it and put it on my nightstand so Mark and I could read it before we went to bed! He also made another one the next day for our neighbor Avery. I was busy while he was making the boo, because we had people over so when I finally had time to look at it after he was in bed, I wanted to wake him up and hug him! I was so proud, he's a good boy. He wrote cat, bad and Tad (the leapfrog character) all by himself! Here's the book:

1 comment:

Ryan and Angela said...

Ooooh. That was supposed to be a book. Didn't get that out of Brandon's. Now I know.