So my sweet friend Chanell called today and wondered if we wanted tickets to the BYU/Boise State basketball game tonight. Heck ya!!! Mark was so excited. Her dad is the coach for BYU so they had a bunch of extra tickets. It didn't start until 7:00 p.m., so we made Rex take a late nap and got Sam to take a little cat nap at 6:00 and then hauled them off to the game. Luckily we found a BYU shirt for Rex and Sam wore his blue jammies. Rex was so excited and was even more excited when he saw Annie on the front row, lucky girl!! We went down and said a quick hi and they hugged before they could kick us out of the VIP area! Unfortunately BYU lost, Mark was not happy, but we still had a great time. I was surprised how many BYU fans were there, great turn out Cougars! I forgot my camera of course but thank goodness for camera phones. Here are a couple of shots, grainy but you get the idea.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Posted by
10:19 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Vacation
We survived our Christmas Vacation and even managed to have a lot of fun! The boys and I left Christmas Eve morning to go to my mom's house and Mark met us there that night since he had to work. Right when we got there, we saw Jessica and Jason and the twins before they left town. Yea, we finally got to see the twins, sleeping but so cute! Ben and Jessica and Jack were there and we had a great time reacquainting the cousins and Ben and I had a great time bantering and bugging each other!
Rex was so into Christmas and Santa Claus (we tried to emphasize Jesus, but of course Santa was all he cared about). So he wouldn't eat his dinner that night so Mark used the you better eat your dinner or I am calling Santa and telling him not to come line. Well, right after that, someone called. So Mark says, "It must be Santa". Rex got this terrified look on his face and said, "No, Daddy, NO! Don't answer the phone!" We were all busting up laughing at this point. So Mark answers the phone and Rex looks like he is about to cry. We had to convince him that it was not Santa. After that, he ate his dinner!!
We had a great Christmas morning, with too many presents and so much noise I think we permanently scarred my poor Grandpa! The kids were way too spoiled but love their new toys. I am busy trying to organize to make room for the new loot. It was great to see many of my cousins and their kids and to enjoy all the time spent with family. I love this time of year! And I got my favorite treat, my mom's English Toffee!! YUMMY!
P.S. I know the video of Sam is not in my last post, I will fix it soon. My laptop's hard drive fried while I was trying to do it. :((
Posted by
4:07 PM
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Cute videos
I took some video of the boys today being so adorable.
Sam has learned to play with one of his toys. If you put a ball in the hole, the toy makes music. So Mark taught him how to do it, and he was so excited and proud of himself I had to video it. He literally did it all day! Such a cutie!
I have been wanting to get a video of Rex singing a church song because he has quite the collection that he can sing but so far whenever I try to get him to do it he won't. Well today was my lucky day! He did it! What a good little singer.
Posted by
10:36 PM
Thank you Shayna!
Thanks Shayna for commenting on my last post and linking me to that great website. I actually did use an idea on there for my lesson. I had been thinking about the "Special Witnesses" movie of the apostles sharing their testimony or Christ. So first I quoted Joseph Smith (since it is his birthday), his quote about the apostles and prophets and their testimonies of Christ being fundamental to the gospel. Then we watched about 1/2 hour of the video. And then I made "stockings" for Jesus and little gift boxes with the testimonies of the apostles in them. They turned out really cute and the girls promised that they would hang up Jesus stocking and write their testimonies and put in inside. So thanks Shayna, it turned out great. And all the rest of you slackers that didn't respond, you're lame! Just kidding, I know everyone is busy!!!! :)
Posted by
10:28 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
I need some help!
I know everyone is probably busy right now with the holidays fast approaching but I need some help. I have to teach my Beehive class this Sunday because my advisor is out of town. Well we are supposed to teach a Christmas lesson but there is no official Christmas lesson so we need to come up with one on our own. I was thinking of using a General Conference address on the Savior and also incorporating Joseph Smith in there since Sunday is his birthday, but I am wondering if anyone has any good ideas for me? Any one know a great Christmas lesson that would be applicable to 12-13 year old girls? Email me if you do.
Thanks in advance!
Posted by
3:48 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tagged again!
This time by my lovely friend Kelli!! Ok, here goes.
A-Attached or single? Attached
B-Best friend? Mark, but if we are talking women definitely my mom or Stef
C-Cake or pie? Cake, German Chocolate please!
D-Day of choice? Saturday
E-Essential item? my laptop.... oh that's sad!
F-Favorite Color? Purple
G-Gummy bears or gummy worms? neither unless they are sour
H-Hometown? Idaho Falls I guess, I have lived too many places
I-Favorite indulgence? Diet Coke
J-January or July? July of course, my birthday month!
K-Kids? Rex and Sammy
L-Life isn't complete without? my family although I liked Kellie's answer
M-marriage date? May 9th, 2003
N-Number of Brothers and sister? Oh this could get complicated.... 1 full brother Ben, 2 step-sisters and 3 step-brothers on my mom's side: Miranda, Jessica, Matthew, Mitchell and Zachary, and 3 step-sister and 1 step-brother on my dad's side: Katie, Brain, Laura and Lisa
O-Oranges and Apples? Oranges, is that supposed to be an or?
P-Phobias? death, more specifically someone I love dying
Q-Quote? "Justification is the bobsled down to hell" Brigham Young Always puts a smile on my face!
R-Reason to smile? Rex torturing poor Boykin right now, making him a "bed" with blankets all over him.... poor dog
S-Season? Summer
T-Tag 3 friends. Stefanie, Kellie and Jessica
U-unknown fact? I am kinda an open book, I tell people everything
V-Favorite Veggie? Artichoke or anything from my garden
W-Worst habit? not making the bed? I don't know ask Mark
X-X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound I guess
Y-Your Favorite food? Cheescake factory or Italian food
Z-Zodiac? Cancer
Posted by
4:03 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas treats
This is our first Christmas living in our house and in a neighborhood. How exciting it is to be able to make our neighbors Christmas treats and to receive so many treats in return! I made a popcorn, chocolate mix tonight and made some cute paper holders to put them in. So for family night we took them to about 20 neighbors. Rex absolutely loved it! He had to ring the doorbell, hold the treat and then say "Merry Christmas" when they answered the door. I love sharing this time of year with him the older he gets. He appreciates all the traditions and gets so excited about everything. The funny thing is 4 of our neighbors had the same Family night activity plan as we did. So not only did we go share our treats, we had 4 families come to our door as well! So fun! I love our neighborhood! Here's a few of our treats.
While I was working on the treats, I heard Sam laughing and looked over and he was at the window, laughing at Boykin playing in the yard. It was so cute, I had to take a picture. He is SO mobile now, he is crawling all over the place and fast!
Of course Rex wanted a picture of him also....
Here's a funny Rex story. Today we were driving and we were right by some pine trees. Rex looks at the trees and says "Mommy, look at the sap trees." Although it took me a minute to figure out the word sap, he said it a little weird. Then he proceeds to tell me that pygmy marmosets live in sap trees and eat sap cause they love it. Do you think he watches Go Diego Go enough?!
Posted by
9:39 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Tribute to my 3 year old
Oh how I love this boy! And what a roller coaster the last 3 years have been. I wouldn't change a second of it for anything. Sorry, I know this slideshow doesn't exactly fit but I made it a few months back and don't want to have to redo the whole thing with a different slideshow to make it fit. Hopefully it isn't too annoying.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Rex's 3rd birthday!
Rex's birthday is tomorrow so today we had a big Diego party. He decided on the theme and who he wanted to invite. He has been so excited and today was finally the day. Yesterday was spent frantically getting everything ready. We had a "mess party" so the kids came in clothes that could get dirty and we did all sorts of art projects. They colored Diego pictures, painted sugar cookies and painted a plaster bug. They seemed to have a great time and got to take their projects home. I covered my floor in paint drop cloths, borrowed the nursery's table and chairs and let them be as messy as they wanted. Fun was had by all. After the mess was over we had pizza and then it was time for present opening. Rex got some great presents, and he loved it! Thanks everyone! Then they dug into the Diego cake that I spent until 1 a.m last night icing. I worked so hard on it and was so proud, it was hard to cut into it. We had a great day and Rex has some wonderful friends. Now we can think about Christmas!
Posted by
4:00 PM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
O Christmas tree!
We finally got our Christmas tree!!! It is kind of a funny story too. Mark and I had a conversation a week or two back about how fake trees cause less sinus and allergy problems. Well apparently Mark thought that the conversation meant we agreed on buying a fake tree???? I love real trees but I was very happy nonetheless when he came home with a fake tree on Saturday. It really is much less work and looks beautiful. He got it for a really good deal too, just $75 dollars. So we put it up yesterday and today we decorated it. We all stayed home from church so we could try and get over this virus since we over did it this weekend. That's why we are in jammies and have bed head still in the pictures!! We told Rex that if he took a nap, we would decorate the tree. I love bribery, works like a charm! It was so fun to see Rex into it this year, he was too young in all the other years. He LOVED putting the balls on the tree, he tended to just put them in one spot though so there were about 7 balls in one area! I am all about a "family" tree. Maybe one day we will have a "pretty" tree and a "family" tree but while my kids are young and we aren't rich, it's just the "family" tree. We started a tradition that the kids get to get an ornament each year that represents something they love. Sammy is a little young for it, so we will start it next year for him. We started it last year with Rex and he got a Mr. Potato Head ornament. This year he picked out a Go Diego Go ornament. We also have the ornament that Mark put my ring in when he proposed to me on Christmas Eve of 2002 in front of his ENTIRE family! And we have an ornament that was given to us for our first Christmas married that says, "First Christmas Together". I love our tree and the memories that the ornaments hold. It'll be so fun when my kids are teenagers to look back at all the ornaments they picked out and remember that year of their lives. Even our balls have significance because I bought them after the Christmas I got engaged on clearance at Target so that Mark and I would have ornaments the next year. Isn't that what family is all about traditions and memories, especially at this time of year. I am so grateful to be starting traditions with my own family and at the same time remembering the ones I shared with my parents and brother.
Posted by
9:20 PM
Of course I got the virus that the boys have had since this weekend we had 2 Christmas parties to attend. Rex was doing really well by Friday, just had the lingering cough. Our next door neighbors have had a Christmas party planned for months and they hired a Santa so they convinced me we had to come. I drugged myself up, as much as I can get drugged up as a nursing mom and we went. It was so much fun, the Santa was so great and so authentic looking, I think his beard and mustache were real. Rex did well on his lap, just a little shy, but as soon as he hoped down and opened his present, he exclaimed, "Thanks Santa!". It was so cute! As soon as he walked in the door, Sam was instantly enthralled, he had a look of pure wonder on his face. Christmas is so magical!
Then the next night was our ward Christmas party. I seriously wasn't going to go but again I was convinced that I had too, plus it meant that I didn't have to cook dinner! So we saw Santa again and had a yummy dinner. I even met a new couple in our ward and the girl went to high school with me, small world eh? Rex and Sam weren't as intrigued with this Santa, but I was able to get a picture good enough to use as our Christmas card this year, here were the others.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Twice in one week!
So we had an eventful day on Monday, and we were hoping that after that, life would slow down. Tuesday, Sam was really ornery so I thought, oh no he's getting whatever Rex has. Well he kept waking up that night and the 3rd time I went into his room he was gasping and wheezing! His breathing sounded crazy! So Mark called the hospital and they listened to him on the phone and said that we had better bring him down. So two times this week we have visited the ER! Mark took him down there at 4:00 in the morning. We didn't want to wake up Rex and take him and I also wasn't feeling good, so Mark made me stay home and try to sleep while he took Sam. He deals with the stress better anyway. Sure enough he has croup so they gave him a breathing treatment and a steroid shot and he's been doing good ever since. He is tired a lot and wants to be held all day but overall he's doing great. I took them both to the Dr. today and he said they have a parainfluenza virus, that manifests itself as croup in a baby. Rex has had a horrible hacking cough and he threw up today because of all the phlegm in his tummy. Poor guys! I barely slept last night because I have come down with the same thing and my throat and face are killing me! Mark also feels crappy, but he's hanging in there. We have definitely had our share of illnesses this year! That makes 6 ER visits this year. 3 for Mark, 2 for Rex and 1 for Sam. Hopefully I am not next. We have never been to the ER before this year, now we wish we had a season pass! Here's some pics of my sick boys, Rex sleeping and Sam smiling even though he feels like crap!
Posted by
3:54 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Not again....
Well we spent the afternoon in the ER again. Rex has had a fever since Saturday and today he had another seizure. The good news is at least it's pretty much a sure thing that they are febrial seizures since it happened when he had a fever again, but it's still horrible to see. I had taken him in the car to go pick up a DVD from one of those Red Box's at McDonald's so he wouldn't have to get out of the car. I made sure to heat up the car beforehand so he wouldn't have any major changes of body temperature (which is what usually triggers these seizures), I guess it wasn't enough because shortly after we got the DVD's I peeked in the rearview mirror only to see him seizing. Not fun. After it was over I drove him straight to the hospital where they monitored him for a few hours. The docs didn't seem worried at all since he has had them before, which made us reassured. Of course they told us that they tend to run in families so Sam has a good chance of having them also. Hopefully he will grow out of these soon! Another one just might put me in the hospital. We are so grateful he is ok and once again are realizing how blessed we are and to not take our health or lives for granted.
Posted by
4:47 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Extreme Home Makeover
If anyone watches Extreme Home Makeover you saw the Stockdale family from Middleton, ID tonight. Middleton is about 20 miles from us. It was a huge deal this summer when ABC came and gave the Stockdale family a new home. We were going to go to the site and try and be a part of the action, but that turned out to be the week that Rex had his seizures so we obviously had other things on our mind. It was fun to watch it tonight after having heard so much about it ever since it happened. The interesting thing is, the builder who did it is the same builder who built our home. It's kind of the joke in the neighborhood that we hope he built their home better than ours!! ;) No, our home is great, he just is such a mass builder that he cut a few corners and a lot of little things have had to be fixed in lots of our neighbor's homes. We have been lucky and haven't had many problems and we love our home! Anyway, fun time, and such a deserving family.
Posted by
10:46 PM