Saturday, September 6, 2008

Birthday BBQ

I meant to post this earlier in the week but never had a chance. Now since I have introduced you to Remi, here is her family. Mandy, my hairdressing boosum buddy, had a birthday this week and so Jason, her husband who grew up in Idaho Falls (which automatically makes him cool. Plus I made out with a guy he graduated with, as I was "filling my canteen" before the mission...:)) decided to throw her a BBQ party. It was lots of fun and we got some fun shots of the kids. They LOVE the trampoline! Thanks Mandy and Jason!!

The kids jumping
Cute Sam

His girlfriend Avery :)

Sam having fun with Daddy

The birthday girl
Sam sliding

Rex eating a BIG hotdog!

Jason with the cake

Blowing out the candles


Marky Mark said...

I'm glad you didn't get any pictures of Rex jumping on the trampoline with his daddy. He got the wind knocked out of him, and well, even though Dad said, "stay on the edge" he still jumped in. Dad decided to teach him to listen to instructions, and Rex got the wind knocked out of him. He kept telling me how mean I was. Pretty funny stuff. He balled his head off and was still crying by the time he had to go to sleep.

Bell Blog said...

Thanks for coming... That was fun!