Monday, September 1, 2008

Sammy talking

I always talk about how good Sam is at talking already, so this morning we were being lazy in bed since it is a holiday and I decided to try capturing some of Sam's talking. He performed pretty well! He's so stinking cute!


Jessica said...

This is adorable! Sam is smart. I love his voice too.

Anonymous said...

What a smarty pants. He's so cute!

Stephanie said...

that IS so so so cute!

Teagan said...

how cute... don't you just love it when you can capture those moments on camera... its sometimes far and few between, when you want them to preform for you... but when it happens you are so proud.
He is getting so big!!!

The Brownings said...

Did he actually say 'chicken butt'!!! That was pretty funny regardless! Smart boy :>