Friday, September 5, 2008


Imagine what happens when you have one skittish Miniature Doberman Pinsher with her family out of town, bringing her to sleep at a new home and an open gate thanks to the Terminix guy? Yep, you guessed it, Mark and Michelle riding bikes and driving a car around the neighborhood with flashlights from 11-12 pm at night trying to find the lost dog. Luckily we found her and it only took 30 or so minutes to corral her back in her house, where she is going to stay for the remainder of her parents trip!!

Remi, mid leap. Isn't she VICIOUS!!!


Teagan said...

oh my gosh.... CRAZY!!!

Marky Mark said...

Ya, well, Michelle is trying to make this nicer than it actually was. I drove around for 45 minutes looking for the dog. I'm thinking, OK, our friends dog is going to get hit by a car and we are going to have to tell them that their dog got away on our watch and got hit by a dog.

Fortunately, she didn't. What Michelle fails to mention here is that we spent 45 minutes chasing Remy from the park in the back yard, through their neighbors back yard and around the street. Loads of fun!!!